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Tx Explain: June 10 Release Notes

· 2 min read


This week we introduce two new features built for Tx Explain; both demonstrating composability of the agent's original output -- a human-readable transaction summary.

Quick links for Tx Explain:

Today's Release Notes

  • Transaction Categorization (live now on the app)
  • MetaMask Snap Development Preview (open-source repo on GitHub)

Transaction Categorization

For Agents to act autonomously, we need them to better understand their actions.

Transaction categorization works by taking the human-readable transaction summary produced from Claude and asking another LLM (in this case, Llama3) to categorize the transaction from a selection of predefined categories.

Possible categories: DeFi, ETH transfers, ERC-20 token transfers, L2, MEV, NFTs, New contract deployment, Blob transaction, Misc

The output is a scoring of the transaction's most likely categories as determined by the model.

Example output:

"labels": ["DeFi", "ERC-20 token transfers"], "probabilities": [0.8, 0.2]


This feature demonstrates that LLMs can decode a transaction into an accurate summary and use that output in a useful, composable way with other LLMs.

At scale, the automation of categorized transaction summaries unlocks possibilities beyond the category tags themselves. Automated categorization could enable:

  • Cluster analysis and search for similar transactions
  • Identify emergent trends (based on not fully matching any of the existing categories)
  • Routing different transaction types to be handled by different services

MetaMask Snap Development Preview

In the previous release notes, we introduced support for unsigned transactions. Today, we open-source a fully functional MetaMask Snap, which presents a simple summary during the signing process.



Please use the in-built feedback form to let us know about any features you'd like to see, or general comments you have about Tx Explain.